Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fall (and a little bit of winter)

We are a happy family of three now! Andrew's been "outside" for two and a half months now, and we are enjoying him so much. We tooks some family photos near the beginning of November. This is as close as he got to a smile.

We've been truly blessed to live in such a beautiful place! We sure do enjoy the fall colors of our pretty little French town.

Andrew is always very impressed.

But, we have to tell you, at about a month and a half, he really started "waking" up to the world. And we LOVE it! His facial expressions and and antics keep us laughing with joy.

Andrew and Mommy usually have what we affectionately call "wakies time" (awake time) every morning. Daddy joins in when he's not at school. We read a Bible story, sing, and play with some toys. The singing is usually exceptional... too bad you can't hear it!!

This is Andrew in his first Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes. He slept through the whole service.

PRESENTING: the first big smile (caught on camera)!

Andrew and Mommy at Thanksgiving

Daddy and Andrew decorating our little tree. It's small but looks quite pretty, and it just fits our little studio.

A big part of Andrew's day is distracting--- I mean, helping us with our daily work. Here he's helping Daddy tackle French.

Our town had the largest snowfall it's had in 50 years at the end of November- around 2 - 2.5 feet of snow! It was incredible and beautiful. John went out to document it for us.

Two adorable boys!

Tummy time!

On December 9th, we had the great chance to visit Lyon (about an hour away by train) where they were holding their annual Festival of Lights (La Fete des Lumieres). It was quite impressive, although somewhat hard to show off in photos....sorry.

We had a really good time, despite being quite cold!

Andrew kickin' back on the train home.
Now we're gearing up for the celebration of Christmas, and we are anxiously awaiting two groups of visitors! We can't wait to see Karen, Sara, and Mark and Roxanne and Rochelle!


Mema said...

It was a blessing looking at the pictures of your sweet family. Thanks for sharing your joy! Merry Christmas.


Sharon Rumley said...

God bless all three of you and have a joyous Christmas! Get to see all my grandkids and boys and wives and spend Christmas together. Doesn't happen very often since they are in Colorado and California. Our Sunday School (excuse me) Fellowship class prayed for you guys last Sunday. Should be receiving a Love offering soon. Enjoy that boy and Blessings to you!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing. I think of you often and will continue praying. Andrew is so cute and blessed to have you and John as parents. I am so glad to see you will have some great visitors!!! Who is Mark? I did not recognize his name on your list of visitors. Merry Christmas! Wanda

Learning 4 Life said...

You have such a handsome little man! Congratulations! Merry Christmas :-)