Saturday, August 25, 2012


That’s right– Baby #2 is on the way!  We are so excited and thankful that the Lord is blessing us again.  The baby's due date is around February 1, 2013.  Please pray with us for a healthy, safe, full-term pregnancy and birth.  We've had some scares, and I've had to be on and off of bed rest.  Feedback from doctors continues to be positive.  A recent sonogram with a doctor visiting Cameroon from the USA showed a healthy, growing baby, and we are thankful that despite the scares, God is keeping us healthy and safe.
Due to my medical history, previous complications, and based on medical advice, we've decided to return to the USA for the birth of this baby.  We will go to Oklahoma in November before the cut-off for pregnant flying and will stay through the healing process (required  c-section).  That will mean being in the USA from the end of November and most likely through March.


The Alexanders said...

Renee!!! So glad for you guys!! What a blessing God has given you! And I'm sure your parents are super excited about what a long visit they will have from you! Congratulations!

Jamie said...

Renee! So good to hear from you and about your newest little one on the way! We pray for your family every Thursday! So glad you get to come home for a visit. We will be praying that everything goes according to His will. Love,

Renata said...

So very exciting! Love you all, and we will be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on baby#2!! I know this is such a blessing to you guys. I am asking that Father will continue to protect the precious little one inside of you! May you daily trust Him and may he allow you to go full term. I'm glad you are going back to the US to have the baby, I think it is wise on your part. :) Blessing to you all!
Love, Kelli